February updates...

Let's talk productivity!

What's on the news? 📢

AI will take away your job. There's better things to worry about than that. Never in history have so many people been laid off from their jobs. What's the matter? How to counter this uncertainty and work on your own terms? Read:

What have we been up to? 🗯

MyGigsters is proud to expand our community to another channel! Have you joined our Meet Up group yet? Join now if you haven't and get exclusive access to all our in-person and online events where we will be talking about earning opportunities, income convenience, long term savings, tax keeping, expense tracking and more!

Do you feel like you've slacked too much since New Year's? Relatable. Join our first Facebook Live of 2023 on 7th February and learn about deep work, productivity and setting financial and professional goals! Join the chat from 6 pm (Melbourne time) onward

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Read what our CEO has to say about achieving work-life balance and the productivity rate of your dreams!